lördag 11 december 2010

Karrin väriaine Curcuma longa, Turmeric

Mitä gurkumin, kurkmeja, on?

Tästä on oma nettikohtansa joka kertoo tämän mausteväriaineen eduista. Tämä on E-sarjan lisäaineita. Ruotsalainen luettelo kertoo: E 100 - Kurkumin (väriaine, färgämne) E-nummer Färgämnen. Funktion Färgämne som ger gulgulorange kulör. Tillverkning Extraheras ur roten av växten Curcuma longa, som i mald form kallas gurkmeja. Användningsområde Används i t.ex. curry, industriost och margarin. Kända hälsorisker: -.

Suomeksi: Kurkumiini on väriaine, joka antaa keltaoranssin värin ruokaan. Sitä uutetaan Curcuma longa nimisestä kasvista ja jauhetussa muodossaan sitä sanotaan kurkmeijaksi. Sitä käytetään karrissa, teollisessa juustossa ja margariinissa. Sillä ei tunneta olevan terveydellisiä haittoja.

Ladda ner E-nummer i PDF >> http://www.curcumin.net/

What is Curcumin?

Who said something that tastes good can't be good for you? Curcumin (Curcuma longa) is the source of the spice Turmeric, and is used in curries and other spicy dishes from India, Asia, and the Middle East. Curcumin is what gives the Curry its characteristic bright yellow color and strong taste. If curry is too spicy for your tummy, then you can still obtain the benefits of Curcumin by taking it as a nutritional supplement in convenient capsule form. Or, if you like the heat, break the capsule open and sprinkle it on your food.

Like many herbal remedies, people first used Curcumin as a food and later discovered that it also had impressive medicinal qualities. Over the centuries, this spice has been used as a pain relieving, anti-inflammatory agent to relieve pain and inflammation in the skin and muscles. It has served as a treatment for jaundice, menstrual difficulties, hematuria, hemorrhage, colic, and flatulence. In modern times, research has focused on Curcumin's antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial properties, and on its use in cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and as a treatment for the liver.

The food we eat has a direct effect on our health, even if that food is something as seemingly insignificant as a spice. Research on families immigrating from India to the United States may reflect the importance of Curcumin in the diet. It is well documented that cancer rates in India are lower than those seen in Western countries. However, studies of Indian immigrants in Western societies indicate that rates of cancer and other chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, increase dramatically after a generation in the adopted country. Change of diet is among the factors that may be responsible for the changing disease rates. In a study conducted by the United States National Cancer Institute, the researchers noted, "Of particular interest for cancer prevention is the role of turmeric (Curcumin), an ingredient in common Indian curry spice.[1]


David Kramer kirjoittaa kurkumiinista seuraavaa:
Sitä ehdotetaan käytettäväksi AD sairautta vastaan. Eräs tutkimus oli havainnut, että kurkumiiniseos on vaikutukseltaan anti-amyloidogeeninen ja moduloi BACE1 ja APP proteiineja. APP on beta-amyloidin edeltäjäproteiini., josta voi haitallinen Abeeta muoto kehittyä silloin kun BACE1 entsyymi ja gammasekretaasi käyvät sitä pilkkomaan.

Aihepiiri Alzheimer's Disease. beta-Amylase ELISA kit: Current study suggest curcumin for Alzheimer's disease treatment
The authors of a recent study used an Abeta ELISA Kit that is available at antibodies-online. The published study shows that some curcumin mixes have a potent anti-amyloidogenic effect via modulation of BACE1 and APP and hence may be promising for AD treatment and prevention. There is evidence that a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the accumulation of beta-amyloid protein (Abeta). Abeta is generated from the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) through the proteolysis of beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) and gamma-secretase.

  • Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin erilaisten KURKUMINOIDIEN vaikutusta beta-amyloidiproteiiniin, sen edeltäjäproteiiniin APP ja sitä pilkkovaan entsyymiin : Aβ42, APP, BACE1.

The study can be found here:
Source: Neurosci Lett. 2010 Aug 17. The inhibitory effects of different curcuminoids on beta-amyloid protein, beta-amyloid precursor protein and beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 in swAPP HEK293 cells. Liu H, et al

  • KURKUMIINISEOS käsitti seuraavat kurkuminoidit
Kurkumiini, (Cur)
Demetoksikurkumiini( DMC)
Bisdemetoksikurkumiini (BDMC)

Curcumin mix has potent anti-amyloidogenic effect and shows great promise for AD treatment and prevention. The present study was conducted to examine the effects of curcumin mix and its different curcuminoids including curcumin (Cur), demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) on Aβ42, APP and BACE1.

  • Kurkumiini(Cur), mutta ei muut kurkuminoidit) vähensivät APP proteiinin ilmenemistä ja Abeetan tuottoa. Mikään kurkuminoidi ei voinut kuitenkaan vähentää APP mRNA:n ilmenemistä. BDMC vähensi pilkkovan entsyymin BACE1 mRNA:ta ja proteiinia. DMC vaikutti ainoastaan BACE1 mRNA expressioon.

We found that Cur was the most active curcuminoid fraction in suppressing Aβ42 production and the order of inhibitory potency of other curcuminoids was DMC > curcumin mix > BDMC. Cur, but not other curcuminoids, could reduce APP protein expression and none of curcuminoids affected APP mRNA level. BDMC could reduce BACE1 mRNA and protein levels, while DMC only affected BACE1 mRNA expression.

  • Johtopäätöksenä kurkumiinin anti-amyloidogeeninen vaikutus välittyy APP modulaation kautta. BDMC:n antiamyloidogeeninen vaikutusvälittyy pilkkovan entsyymin BACE1 kautta.

Our data indicate that the anti-amyloidogenic effect of Cur may be mediated through the modulation of APP, while the anti-amyloidogenic effect of BDMC may be mediated through the modulation of BACE1.

Suomennettu 8 helmikuuta 2011
06.09.2010 | David Kitz Kramer
LÄHDE: Research News